
Be sure to check out our Blog's Purpose Statement and Bios

Purpose Statement

Dear Reader,

This blog is meant for you, the reader, to gain a better insight into how to accomplish your fitness, health or performance based goals. The purpose of this blog is to both entertain and inform on current topics within the fitness and sport performance communities. In many cases, assessing and sometimes dispelling popular notions and misconceptions regarding fitness, nutrition and training. Although the authors may express a very strong opinion they fully believe that learning is a lifelong journey. Thus, they welcome different opinions and point of views.  As the authors of this blog, we appreciate reader input to further direct topics of discussion and generate intelligent discussion. We hope that you can use this blog to further grow your knowledge, achieve your goals and enhance the quality of your life. Thank you for your visit to Fact or Fiction Fitness and we hope that you continue to contribute and benefit from our blog.  

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